SIL Accomodation

NDIS Service Provider.

We provide supported independent living (SIL) accommodations, offering a supportive and nurturing environment for individuals with disabilities to thrive in Hoppers Crossing, Mernda and Craigieburn.


NDIS Accomodation For Supported independent living

When it comes to Supported Independent Living in Hoppers Crossing, Esteem Care is your go-to partner. Our goal is simple: to help individuals thrive independently while fostering a sense of belonging in the community. With person-centered care at the forefront, we create a nurturing atmosphere that empowers residents. Join Esteem Care for a supportive path to independence.


What is Supported independent living ?

The aim of Supported Independent Living (SIL) is to provide crucial support and create a homely environment. It is specifically designed to offer temporary housing options to individuals with disabilities and their families or caregivers. Individuals with permanent disabilities may, at times, require temporary lodging for various reasons, which include:
Transitional Support: SIL proves valuable during periods of transition when an individual is moving between different living arrangements. This can involve transitioning from their home to supported living or residential care.
Respite for Families and Caregivers: This form of accommodation serves as a respite, allowing families and caregivers to take a break or attend to personal matters, knowing their loved ones are in capable and caring hands.
Emergency Situations: During urgent situations such as natural disasters, primary caregivers may not be available to provide support to individuals with disabilities. In such instances, short-term Supported Independent Living can offer the necessary care and assistance that an individual requires.

Who qualifies for SIL Accomodation support?

Eligibility for receiving Supported Independent Living (SIL) support is contingent upon several key factors, including:
High Support Needs: SIL support is typically provided to individuals with significant support requirements that extend throughout the day.
Permanent Disabilities: Eligibility hinges on having a long-term and permanent disability.
NDIS Participation: To access SIL support, individuals must be enrolled participants in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Individual Circumstances: Eligibility takes into account your unique circumstances, encompassing factors like age, personal goals, preferences, and your level of independence.
Capacity Building: If you require assistance in developing your living skills and enhancing your ability to live independently, you may meet the eligibility criteria for SIL.
Home Modifications and Assistive Technology: If home modifications or the use of assistive devices are essential for enabling independent living, SIL support may be available.
Safety Considerations: Eligibility assessments consider information provided by you, healthcare professionals, and service providers regarding your safety, in addition to any relevant reports and assessments. These factors are evaluated during the NDIS planning process to determine whether SIL support is appropriate and should be included in your NDIS plan.

SIL Services Provided by Esteem Care

Esteem Care offers a variety of Supported Independent Living (SIL) services aimed at promoting independence, fostering self-determination, and encouraging social inclusion for individuals with disabilities. Our SIL services encompass:

♿ Personal Care and Hygiene
♿ Household Management
♿ Meal Planning and Preparation
♿ Financial Management
♿ Transportation
♿ Social and Recreational Activities

♿ Access to Community Resources
♿ Mobility Support
♿ Shopping Assistance
♿ Domestic Support
♿ Therapy Support
♿ Medication Assistance

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between SIL and SDA?

At Esteem Care, it's important to understand the distinction between Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA):

SIL primarily concentrates on delivering support services tailored to individuals with high support needs to enable them to live independently in shared living arrangements. In contrast, SDA is exclusively concerned with the physical accommodation itself, which is purposefully designed to cater to the specific needs of individuals with significant disabilities. This encompasses accessible features and necessary modifications to ensure a suitable living environment.

What are the SIL levels of support?

Esteem Care categorizes Supported Independent Living (SIL) into three distinct levels:
1. Lower Support Needs: This level is intended for individuals who occasionally require support or assistance with specific tasks or activities.
2. Standard Support Needs: Individuals with standard support needs benefit from regular assistance with daily living tasks, which may include personal care, meal preparation, and household chores.
3. High Support Needs: This level is designed for individuals who necessitate substantial support and assistance throughout the day. This often involves complex personal care, mobility support, and constant supervision.

can Esteem Care provide help with Supported Independent Living?

Esteem Care can assist you with everything related to Supported Independent Living.

Please call us on (+61) 0456 597 225 or fill in your details in our contact us and we will get back to you. Alternatively, you can also visit our offices at 55 Banksia Cres, Hopper's Crossing, 3029.

book an appointment

Let us know about your questions or concerns. We will get back to you as soon as we can.